Friday, February 23, 2007

Hello All,

I (Bill) have three days off starting tomorrow, so we're headed to Cradle Mountain for the weekend. I've gathered epinephrine, liquid zyrtec, and wraps for any snake bitten extremity, so we're ready for the wilds of Tasmania, in particular, Jack-Jumper ants and poisonous snakes - mostly Tiger snakes here.

The kids are liking school and life is beginning to settle into a routine.

The big event today was making a couple Skype phone calls back home - great to hear people's voices.

The picture is Nikki at a "Classical meets Jazz" festival.

Should have more good ones from Cradle Mountain.




douglasfahle said...

Great picture of Nikki! Have a great weekend!

douglasfahle said...

My personal opinion is that "you look Marvalous darling"
